Call for Application to be a European Talent Point or to be an Associated European Talent Point
European Talent Centres (and Associated Talent Centres) invite talent support organisations to submit their application to become a European Talent Point (or an Associated European Talent Point in case of a non-European talent support organization).
The 2014 General Assembly of ECHA agreed that ECHA will support, regulate and guide the formation of a European Talent Support Network. Aims and details of the European Talent Support Network can be found in the document downloadable from: http://echa.info/images/documents/high-ability/European-Talent-Support-Network-ECHA-General-Assembly.pdf. European Talent Centres form the hubs while European Talent Points are the nodes of the European Talent Support Network (ETSN).
The notion of hubs (Talent Centres) and nodes (Talent Points) of the forming European Talent Support Network does not mean a hierarchical structure. European Talent Centres should be considered as coordinating centers. European Talent Points are encouraged to develop contacts with any other European Talent Points or Centres. Associated European Talent Points are equal members of the Network – situated outside of Europe. Talent Points will be registered by a Talent Centre.
Applications for European (or Associated European) Talent Point registration should be sent by filling in the Application Form on the ETSN website by 2017 Oct. 30 the latest. The application form will be forwarded automatically to the competent European Talent Centre.
In the registration process the competent European Talent Centre will check the data submitted by the European Talent Point. Registered European or Associated European Talent Points may participate in the cooperation of the European Talent Support Network, and will be listed in the European/World Talent Map on the ECHA and on the ETSN website.
ETSN Today
The first 14 European Talent Centres started the work of the European Talent Support Network on the 29th September 2015. Presently there are 20 European or Associated European Talent Centre. You can see the list of the centres and the increasing number of registered European Talent Points on the maps on the ECHA and on the ETSN website HERE. You can read about the short story of the ETSN here.
European /Associated European Talent Point organizations; they can be:
- Organisations/institutions focusing mainly on talent support: research, identification, development of highly able young (and/or older) people (e. g: schools, university departments, talent centres, excellence centres, art- or sport-organizations focusing to talent development, NGOs, etc.);
- talent-related policy maker organizations on national or international level (ministries, local authorities);
- business corporations with talent management programmes (talent identification, corporate responsibility programmes, creative climate);
- organizations of young (and/or older) people participating in talent support programmes;
- organizations of parents of highly able children;
- or an umbrella organization (network) of the organizational types above.
A European /An Associated European Talent Point:
- has a strategy/action plan connected to talent (e.g. identification, various forms of support including complex programmes, enrichment, competitions, etc., research, education, training, curriculum development, carrier planning, etc.) and a practice of this plan for minimum one year;
- is willing to share information on its talent support practices and other talent-related matters with other European Talent Points and European Talent Centres (by e.g. sharing programmes, the strategy/action plan, needs of target groups, data supporting its minimum one year of practice, best practices/research results on the web, organizing/attending joint conferences, organizing/attending joint Talent Days, etc.);
- is willing to cooperate with other European Talent Points including participation in joint programmes, promote related programmes of other European Talent Points, being open to be visited by representatives, experts, and/or talented young (and/or older) people of other European Talent Points.
This Call of Applications can be published in the mother tongue of the Centres on the Centres’ website, but applications can be submitted only in English only via the ETSN website. European or Associated European Talent Points will be re-evaluated in each third year as to whether they still fulfil the selection criteria.
Email addresses where further questions on the application process can be sent:
Austria: Institute TIBI: elisabeth.halmer@kphvie.ac.at or ÖZBF: johanna.stahl@oezbf.at
Belgium (applications from France and Luxembourg will be forwarded to the Belgian Centre): tessa.kieboom@exentra.be
Czech Republic (applications from Poland will be forwarded to the Czech Talent Centre): zelenda@nidv.cz
Denmark (applications from other Scandinavian countries will be forwarded to the Danish Centre): ellen@ungetalenter.dk
Germany: albert.ziegler@fau.de or ch.fischer@uni-muenster.de
Greece: gtsoulfa@anatolia.edu.gr
Hungary (applications from Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine will be forwarded to the Hungarian Talent Centre): fuszekcs@gmail.com
India: devasena.dr@gmail.com
Ireland (applications from the UK will be forwarded to the Irish Centre)): colm.oreilly@dcu.ie
Italy (also receiving applications from Cyprus, Malta): gifted@roncoroni.eu
Lithuania (applications from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine will be forwarded to the Lithuanian Centre): leonas.narkevicius@gmail.com
Netherlands: l.hoogeveen@its.ru.nl
Peru: sblumen@pucp.pe
Slovakia: zvono.bednarcik@leafacademy.eu
Slovenia (applications from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) will be forwarded to the Slovenian Centre: mojca.jurisevic@pef.uni-lj.si
Spain (applications from Portugal will be forwarded to the Spanish Centre): c_h_rey@correo.cop.es
Switzerland: victor.mueller@fhnw.ch
Turkey (applications from, countries of the Caucasian region, as well as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be forwarded to the Turkish Centre): kubrasozel@gmail.com
Email address where the Associated European Talent Point applications will be forwarded (except India and Peru) or further questions on the application process should be sent to: qualification@echa.info
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